The Scientific name of Emperor Tetra is Nematobrycon palmeri. The fish belongs to the family Characidae comes from Colombia
The body is extended,slim well flattened up to 6 cm long.From its eye to its forked tail there is a black line, superimposed with a blue stripe. The sickle-shaped dorsal fin,pectoral and caudal fins are yellowish. They are highly sexually dimorphic and thus males and females are quite easily distinguished from each other. There are several ways to tell a male and female apart, the most reliable method is to observe the eye color. Males will have metallic blue eyes while females possess metallic green eyes. Also, the male has a three pronged tail with the medial black stripe usually extending beyond the rest of the tail, while in the females this median black stripe will typically only reach as far as the clear part of the tail.
Fine leaved plants are used for spawning .Before spawning the parents should be kept apart for a few days and then put in the spawning tank in the evening when it is dark.The number of spawn is small After spawning disinfect the water with trypaflavin to prevent the spawn from being infected by mould,bacteria etc.
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