The scientific name is Puntius nigrofasciatus and belongs to the family Cyprinidae and comes from southern part of Sri Lanka . The body is shorter, yellow-grey with three or four dull,blackish,wedge-shaped bars,the head is purple.The silvery edges of the scales from shining longitudinal rows of dots on the body.The male has a more remarkable colouring, in the spawning seasons its lateral stripes become black, apart from that ,its dorsal and vental fins are deep black and the caudal fin is black-grey.
They should be bred in a large or medium-sized tank with plenty of plants.They love half-shade and ordinary but clean water with a temperature of about 22 °C . They are peaceful,sociable and gregarious.
Breeding takes place at 26 °C in shallow water with fine-leaved plants.During spawning the fishes press close to each other, the male throws the caudal fin accross the female's back,then the fishes separate and the inseminated spawn fall to the bottom. The fry hatch out in twenty-four to thirty-six hours and are very sensitive at first to a sudden cahnge in water
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