Bloodfin , Red- Finned Tetra

The scientific name of this breed is Aphyocharax rubripinnis, is a member of the family Characidae and comes from Argentina ,from the river Rarana and La Plata.

The body is slim, silvery-green with dark red fins,and it grows to a length of 5 cms. The male is slimmer and more distinctly coloured. The fishes should be bred at a temperature of 20°C (68 °F) in a medium sized long tank.They like plenty of light,fine-leaved plants and hard water with an acidity of about pH 6.8.These are very peaceful breed 

Spawning occurs at a temperature of 26°C (79°F) .The fishes are very prolific anf from one spawning there can be up to 500 eggs. The fry which grows very quickly are fed with fine live food.
